keep in line

美 [kiːp ɪn laɪn]英 [kiːp ɪn laɪn]
  • 使(某人)就范;使(某人)听从吩咐
keep in linekeep in line


control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage
She manipulates her boss
She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up
The teacher knew how to keep the class in line
she keeps in line
Synonym: manipulate control


  1. Tell me how I keep in line with the university , what 's going on ?


  2. How should the ideology of Jiangxi keep in line with that of zhejiang ?


  3. Moreover with China joining WTO , we should keep in line with the international occupational safety and health management .


  4. HOW TO KEEP IN LINE WITH INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE FOR PROJECT TENDERING IN CHINA Method for Connecting Pricing Model of China 's Building Construction with International Convention


  5. To keep in line with international practices , those old and famous domestic design houses have to carry out reform and will undergo restructuring .


  6. Apply the mobile database technology to our system , so the clients can access the server data and keep in line with it via the data synchronization technology . 4 .


  7. We should keep in line with international trend in running school , pay close attention to the two most promising fields in future IT industry : data mining and information security .


  8. With the approach of the21st century , like other industries , the press industry also needs adjustments and innovation in order to keep in line with new developments and remain ahead in the next century .


  9. In the side wind the truck with a trailer is liable to deviate from the right direction , and also the tractor and the trailer are not able to keep in line , so that handling performance is affected .


  10. Teaching and Teaching management of ethnic universities and colleges must keep in line with the trend of nationality unity and nationality progress ; serve for national and political stability and solidarity ; and become an important part of cultural and ideological progress in ethnic regions in China .


  11. The particularity of CAFTA has made it impossible to imitate the foreign mode briefly . It is urgent that we should find a way to make the origin criteria accord with the demand for the development of CAFTA and keep in line with international standards .


  12. All this was just designed to frighten me and keep me in line .


  13. The teacher was trying to keep them in line .


  14. You two better keep him in line .


  15. That 's all ? Just trying to keep him in line ?


  16. The calculable method and adjusting step of keep coupling in line


  17. I can use it like a boomerang to keep him in line .


  18. Call it a loving memory of his family or a way to keep him in line .


  19. Maybe you do need somebody like her to keep you in line while I am not around .


  20. You can Tweet your weight to your friends , and they can keep you in line .


  21. Try to keep in a line , because if we go on the side , it 's just gonna be really difficult .


  22. Nor can a bunch of " super-smart " investors necessarily keep prices in line ;


  23. Another useful tool to keep kids in line : 'behave yourself and the easter bunny will bring treats . '


  24. WSJ : With banks growing aggressively in Asia , how do you keep costs in line , especially when it comes to pay ?


  25. Most probably , exceptions would be required for pure arbitrageurs and market makers , but others who help to keep prices in line would inevitably suffer .


  26. But so many of his managers started using BetterWorks on their own that he eventually had no choice but to input his own objectives to keep them in line with everyone else 's.


  27. Since the Department of Statistics is part of the government , and statistics is government behaviour , it is essential to keep statistics in line with the current international rules and the requirement of establishing service-oriented society .


  28. It will be low because it will be necessary to have only one man looking after each job , without having another man to check upon what he is doing , keep him in line , and report on him to someone else .


  29. However , in order to enable IMS to satisfy the convergence of fixed network and mobile network , and keep it in line with the overall framework of NGN standard as well , there are still many problems concerning standard need to be settled .


  30. The ship will largely recreate the design and decor of the fabled original , with some modifications to keep it in line with current safety rules and shipbuilding practices , and the addition of some modern comforts such as air conditioning , Palmer said at a press conference in New York .
